Services » Pollution Control

ETC fully understands the importance of compliance and complexity associated with proper recommendation of any Pollution Control System.

ETC has unique capabilities and expertise to perform engineering compliance evaluation assessments by performing material balance, emission summery to perform preliminary design and to ecommend the best products available in the market today that is best suited to exceed the compliance need, while focusing on the capital costs and operating costs.  After comprehensive evaluations, ETC will provide clients with several options in control systems with defining all the pros/cons of each option so that the decision making process becomes simple.

ETC also provides the post planning, programming, scheduling and obtaining all required permits in advance of any pollution control  installation.

ETC team has expertise in a full range of proven technology in all pollution controls solution in areas such as Wastewater treatment, Air Pollution Control, Oil/Ground Water Remediation.

ETC has provided clients from preliminary process design to the final turn key operation from many innovative, cost effective pollution control solution with great energy conservation incorporated in the final design.